Monday, January 12, 2009

Tantalizing Tuesday

Originally uploaded by Dennis Ferry

The only thing healthy about this recipe is the broccoli but it's uber yummy so really, what does it matter?

Creamy Broccoli Salad
this is a dish I bring to every immediate-family meal because they all love it!

What You Need:
2 small broccoli
3/4 cup mayo
1/2 cup sugar
4 tbsp vinegar
chopped red onion
1 cup grated cheese
bacon bits (optional)

What You Do:
Now read this very carefully because it's easy to mess up.
1. Mix.
2. Eat.

In all seriousness, I suggest you mix up the wet bits with the sugar before adding the veggies.
That's all!


Kimber said...

I'm sorry, but YERRRRRCH! I hate broccoli! I even hate trying to spell it. But since it is D's favourite veggie...I will attempt this salad out of pure, unadulterated love. *sigh*

Gingham Skies said...

My grandma hates broccoli too BUT she eats this salad. :) I think she actually sucks the juice off of the little trees and spits out the carcasses. Yum.

Kimber said...

Go granny!