Sunday, September 28, 2008

This is: Show Off Time!

What a fun choice for the "This is..." theme this week! Thanks to Katie over at May the Cloth Be With You for the selection.

What to choose?!!

Well since I started school a month ago I have been reminded of just how unbelievably fabulous my wedding & engagement rings are (lots of lovely compliments have been tossed my way thanks to those rings) so I'm going to show them off to the rest of the world here!

If you're struggling to see them just click on the pic and it should blow up on your screen (as in enlarge, not explode - no need to shield your eyes).

Yes Mike does have impeccable taste... he chose me didn't he?
I guess I'm showing off more than my rings by using this photo. I'm showing off my incredible husband, fabulous wedding dress and stunning location too! Yay for weddings in Mexico!

What do you want to show off this week?


tanzi said...

I love this one--it looks like you are a new superhero team: the Narly Newlyweds. Don't mess with them or they'll blind you with their magic rings...

Gingham Skies said...

Love it: the Narly Newlyweds!